12 research outputs found

    Modelling and Optimization of the Air Operational Manoeuvre

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    Increasing complexity of the operational environment and advanced technology implementation in combat will probably lead to a serious limitation of human performance in all operational domains and activities in the future. With except of the clear indications, that tactical robotics will outperform human soldiers in many routine tasks on the battlefield, the area of operational decision making (resistible for decades to some automation) seems to be slowly approaching to the same stage. Presented article discusses the fundamental theory of optimization of the air operational maneuver and present the approach to the solution. The solution is highly theoretical and uses a modelling and simulation as an experimental platform to the visualization and evaluation of solution. The problem of air operational maneuver is specific in this case by many variables imposed on initial parametrization of the task (starting and destination point could not be known at the beginning, only \u201cair operational\u201d area should be selected) and very wide search of possible courses of action and the best \u201cmulti criteria\u201d choice identification

    Persistence Through Collaboration at Sea for Off-Shore and Coastal Operations

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    Collaboration (Bruzzone et al. 2013a, b, c, d, e, f) is often mentioned as an opportunity to develop new capabilities for autonomous systems; indeed this paper proposes a practical application where use this approach to enhance the autonomy of the systems during operations in coastal areas or around offshore platforms. The proposed case deals with developing a collaborative approach (Bruzzone et al. 2013a, b, c, d, e, f) among an USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) with several AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) to guarantee persistent surveillance over a marine area (Shkurti et al. 2012). Obviously, the proposed solution could be adopted also for defense and homeland security (Bruzzone et al. 2011a, b, 2010) as well as for archeological site protection in consistence with related cost analysis. The authors propose a technological solution as well as a simulation framework to validate and demonstrate the capabilities of this new approach as well as to quantify expected improvements

    Poincare Semigroup Symmetry as an Emergent Property of Unstable Systems

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    The notion that elementary systems correspond to irreducible representations of the Poincare group is the starting point for this paper, which then goes on to discuss how a semigroup for the time evolution of unstable states and resonances could emerge from the underlying Poincare symmetry. Important tools in this analysis are the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the Poincare group.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania bezza艂ogowych statk贸w powietrznych do cel贸w terroryst贸w

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    This paper deals with description of current technological developments in the field of UAVs and analyzes the possibilities of abuse them with unlawful acts, in particular with regard to the potential application of CBRNE agents. Then describes the incidence of similar events in recent times and predicts its development trend of the future. It is also given the example of theoretical calculation of the effects of selected CBRNE agents in selected area.W publikacji przedstawiono nowoczesne technologie w zakresie bezza艂ogowych statk贸w powietrznych oraz dokonano analizy mo偶liwo艣ci ich wykorzystania w dzia艂aniach nielegalnych, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem zagro偶e艅 CBRNE. Ponadto przedstawiono rzeczywiste przypadki takich dzia艂a艅 oraz oszacowano mo偶liwo艣膰 ich wyst膮pienia w przysz艂o艣ci. Zaprezentowano r贸wnie偶 teoretyczn膮 analiz臋 efekt贸w wyst膮pienia zagro偶e艅 CBRNE na wybranym obszarze

    Zastosowanie magnetometrii do identyfikacji obiekt贸w

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    The paper concerns the possibility of application of magnetometry for object identification. One of the basic conditions for successful use of magnetometric methods is the magnetic contrast t of solids towards surroundings. Another possible use e of magnetometry is for local identification of solids in selected areas, which are situated in the local magnetic field. The magnetometer, which enables to measure up to three vector components of magnetic induction and specialized software were used in order to perform the research. Two experiments were carried out within the research.W pracy zaprezentowano analizy dotycz膮ce mo偶liwo艣ci zastosowania magnetometrii do identyfikacji obiekt贸w. Jednym z podstawowych warunk贸w efektywnego wykorzystania metod magnetometrycznych jest pomiar t艂a magnetycznego obiekt贸w w odniesieniu do otoczenia. Kolejnym mo偶liwym zastosowaniem magnetometrii jest identyfikacja obiekt贸w w lokalnym polu magnetycznym w wybranym obszarze. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykorzystano magnetometr umo偶liwiaj膮cy pomiar trzech sk艂adowych wektora indukcji magnetycznej oraz wyspecjalizowane o oprogramowanie. W ramach pracy zrealizowano dwa eksperymenty naukowe

    Zasady prowadzenia edukacji i szkole艅 w obszarze bezpiecze艅stwa lotnictwa og贸lnego i transportu lotniczego

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    The system o of air education and trainings functioning currently inn countries organized in ICAO association was presented in this work Authors payed attention to the fact, that specialistic air -trainings are entered into existing national educational systems. The security of passengers and crews of aerodynes is a most important matter in the air transport. Not only practical trainings, but also theoretical trainings and the b background knowledge of the candidate on the flying staffer there have the essential influence on the security level. This fact was illustrated in the article with several examples, which illustrate typical, though often underestimated, aspects of the organization of educational systems and trainings, especially theoretical trainings. In spite of intensive searching authors of the article did not manage to reach a case study from the range of the methodology of air-trainings , understood as a multistage process, which lasts practically through the entire life of the airman. Mabe this results from the fact that an aviation is created by technicians, and the theory of the education is a domain of humanists who do not understand the world of the technique. Presented work can be therefore treated as the invitation to the assumption of common interdisciplinary research.Od zarania dziej贸w cz艂owiek pr贸buje przeciwdzia艂a膰 zagra偶aj膮cym mu niebezpiecze艅stwom i opanowa膰 wrogie sobie 偶ywio艂y. 殴r贸d艂em sukces贸w w tej walce jest wiedza zbierana przez pokolenia. Ta wiedza jest przekazywana dzia艂aj膮cym w warunkach zagro偶enia osobom przez systemy edukacji i szkole艅. Te systemy s膮 jednak bardzo niedoskona艂e. Dlatego, zdaniem autor贸w, ludzie wykonuj膮cy konkretne zadania i podejmuj膮cy zwi膮zane z tym decyzje pope艂niaj膮 b艂臋dy, prowadz膮ce do zdarze艅 niebezpiecznych, wypadk贸w i katastrof, kt贸rych teoretycznie mo偶na by艂oby unikn膮膰. Od wielu lat, a nawet od wielu wiek贸w prowadzone s膮 poszukiwania najlepszego systemu instrukcji edukacji i szkole艅 os贸b odpowiedzialnych za bezpiecze艅stwo. Stworzono wiele system贸w dedykowanych do ka偶dego obszaru dzia艂ania. Te systemy pracuj膮 dobrze, ale mog艂yby pracowa膰 lepiej. Jednym z powod贸w tego stanu rzeczy jest brak wsp贸艂pracy specjalist贸w z zakresu bezpiecze艅stwa r贸偶nych obszar贸w, brak transferu wiedzy oraz niedocenianie szczeg贸lnej roli og贸lnego wykszta艂cenia technicznego. Autorzy tej pracy przedstawiaj膮 r贸偶ne systemy edukacji u偶ywane w in偶ynierii bezpiecze艅stwa, opisuj膮 ich wady i zalety i proponuj膮 zmiany wiod膮ce do poprawy efektywno艣ci. Przedstawiona opinia jest wynikiem analizy wielu zdarze艅 i incydent贸w wypadkowych oraz zawodowych do艣wiadcze艅 autor贸w pracuj膮cych jako nauczyciele akademiccy i in偶ynierowie bezpiecze艅stwa

    Assessment of security risks of public universities in terms of physical protection

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    Artyku艂 dotyczy wyst臋powania czyn贸w niedozwolonych oraz innych form przest臋pczo艣ci przeciwko 艣rodowisku na uczelniach publicznych odnosz膮cych si臋 do funkcjonowania obiekt贸w tego rodzaju. Artyku艂 koncentruje si臋 r贸wnie偶 na zastosowaniu wybranych metod analizy ryzyka i oceny wp艂ywu b艂臋du ludzkiego jako czynnika ryzyka w procesie ochrony fizycznej os贸b i mienia w 艣rodowisku uczelni publicznych.The article deals with the occurrence of illegal acts and other forms of crime in the environment of public universities (referred to as PU) relating to the operation of objects of this nature. The paper is also focused on the application of selected methods of risk analysis and the evaluation of the impact of human error as a risk factor in the complex process of physical protection of persons and property in the environment of public universities